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Big win for Victorian retail workers

Some 90% of the Victorian retail sector will now be covered by federal awards, according to the SDA, after an AIRC full bench approved its bid to rope in 18,000 employers to an interim award.

Centrelink to negotiate union deal

Centrelink has agreed to negotiate a s170LJ agreement with unions, after workers resoundingly rejected a non-union deal early this month.

Campaign 2003: first meeting in Victoria

The manufacturing industry's Campaign 2003 is underway in Victoria, with a group of employers on Wednesday attending a meeting with the AMWU – despite AiG advice to stay away – to hear for themselves what the metal industry unions were claiming.

Case briefs, January 16, 2003

Union picnic day qualifies for pokies donations; Court issues injunction against alleged looming dismissal for disability; Case underlines importance of moving quickly to recover misappropriated funds; Commission reinstates employee sacked for failing to attend out-of-hours training; and Mine ordered to re-employ workers sacked for safety breaches.

Police investigating new Johnston allegations

Victorian Police have confirmed they are investigating a complaint by AMWU official Maurice Addison that he was assaulted by former State secretary Craig Johnston.

Wages up 4.6% in federal public sector, but workforce down

Wage increases of 4.6% a year in the federal public sector have coincided with a big reduction in the Commonwealth workforce, with new ABS data revealing employee numbers have been slashed by up to 12%.

NSW IRC confirms wide reach of unfair contracts law

A full bench of the NSW IRC (in Court Session) has confirmed that the State's unfair contracts provisions extend beyond individuals to corporations "performing work".

Unclear policy makes dismissal unfair

The Queensland IRC has overturned the dismissal of a mine worker for a serious safety breach, after finding he had misunderstood a key aspect of the policy.

DEST deal reflects public sector family-friendly trend

A new Department of Education, Science and Training agreement that provides greater flexibility for employees in exchange for longer hours highlights the emerging public sector emphasis on family-friendly provisions, according to a public sector employment analyst.