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Bench applies virtual reality to award's boundaries

The concept of the "farm gate" is virtual rather than physical in the horticultural sector, an FWC full bench has found in a coverage decision it backdated by eight years to ensure employers are not exposed to backpay claims.

Cash to be grilled again over AWU raids next month

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash faces another grilling in Senate Estimates hearings over the AFP's raids on the AWU at the behest of the Registered Organisations Commission.

High Court refuses special leave to challenge entry ruling

The High Court has refused to grant special leave to appeal a full Federal Court finding that a CFMEU official needed a federal entry permit to assist a health and safety representative when he was invited onto a construction site under Victorian OHS laws.

NGOs threatened by Minister's stance on redundancies: Unions

The non-profit provider of a phone counselling service says it has been left financially "devastated" after paying the redundancy entitlements of 45 employees, following a stoush with Social Services Minister Christian Porter over who should bear costs where work is reliant on government contracts.

CFMEU seeks to advance merger in FWC in January

The CFMEU is looking for a strong turnout in the ballots of MUA and TCFU members on their proposed three-way merger and a rapid conclusion of FWC proceedings to formalise the amalgamation, as the Turnbull Government and employer groups seek to block it.

Failure to explain kills labour hire deal

In a decision signalling potential judicial pushback against so-called "sham" agreements, a Federal Court has quashed a two-year-old deal approved by three employees that now covers more than 1000 mining services workers, ruling that the employer made inadequate efforts to explain a document benchmarked against 11 different awards.

Government ploughs on with IR bills despite citizenship questions

The Turnbull Government has listed two contested IR Bills for the debate in the Senate next week, setting it at odds with union calls to hold back controversial legislation until the citizenship status of MPs is clarified.