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Suggestive singing amounted to harassment

A UK tribunal has found that a male manager harassed a male worker by touching him inappropriately and suggestively singing a song about propositioning someone for s-x.

Zombie AWA out of tune with times: Bench

The FWC has reinforced its view that zombie agreements should not be extended "merely" because the parties are in harmony, observing that nothing is stopping a charity funded by Australia's orchestras from negotiating a new deal with its valued finance manager.

Sacked train driver acted in self-defence: FWC

The FWC has reinstated a train driver sacked for kicking and grappling with a stranger on a station concourse while on his way to work, after finding the employer failed to properly weigh his right to defend himself from attack.

Employer slugged $53K after ignoring FWC "recommendation"

In a powerful demonstration of the consequences of ignoring FWC recommendations, a court has ordered an employer to pay more than $50,000 in penalties and compensation after it failed to act on a commissioner's call to provide a teacher with details of an investigation before sacking her for allegedly tugging the earlobes of two students.

FWC slays zombie deal presumed "dead"

The FWC has killed off a zombie deal at the request of a leading men's fashion brand that transferred its retail workforce to the higher-paying award in 2019 in the mistaken belief the agreement stopped applying on its nominal expiry.

Blow for Chevron, as Wheatstone bypass deal gassed

Chevron's directly-employed workforce on its Wheatstone offshore LNG platforms has overwhelmingly rejected a non-union deal in a ballot that closed last week, according to the Offshore Alliance.

FWO case goes off-piste with compensation claim: Court

A FWO bid to piggyback a compliance notice breach case with underpayment orders has been upended by a court, which observed that merging the two pathways would "undermine" the Fair Work Act's integrity.

Employer cannot rewrite deal in its "afterlife": Bench

A FWC full bench has upheld a finding that Qube Ports cannot retrospectively vary expired agreements that no longer cover it in an attempt to avoid a major lawsuit over deductions of "gap" payments from up to 1000 wharfies' remuneration.

Gay worker not sacked for requesting parental leave: Court

A judge has rejected a sales director's claim that his employer sacked him within hours of him telling his manager he intended to take unpaid parental leave on the birth of his two surrogate children.