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Arrium goes into administration

Thousands of Arrium employees face an uncertain future, after the troubled steelmaking and mining company today went into voluntary administration after failing to strike a deal with its banks and noteholders.

FWC upholds summary sacking for sending group emails

The FWC has found an employer was entitled to summarily dismiss an employee who lodged complaints and sent group emails accusing managers of bullying and appointing a friend to a job he had unsuccessfully sought.

$400,000-plus adverse action payout for worker shifted to part-time

The Federal Circuit Court has ordered a Mahjong club to pay more than $415,000 in compensation for breaching state and federal IR laws and engaging in adverse action when it moved a full-time tea attendant to a part-time role because of his workers' compensation claim.

Bench shuts down employer strategy to stymie strikes

A FWC full bench has rejected an employer's bid to block protected industrial action, confirming that its invalid notice of employee representational rights didn't knock out a union's protected action ballot application.

IR "disrupter" wins publication ban

A self-described IR advisory sector "disrupter" that unfairly dismissed an injured worker has won an order to prohibit publication of the compensation decision, after arguing it would provide competitors with "significant insight" into its business.

No delay for contractor driver RSR order

The RSRT has today rejected calls to delay the April 4 implementation of its contractor driver minimum rates order and has attacked those who have propagated "myths" to "bolster their case" for change.