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PM declares "no more unions or bosses" as JobKeeper heads for Canberra

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has described his government's close consultation with the Opposition in drafting legislation to give effect to the JobKeeper coronavirus wage subsidy program that will be put to Parliament next week, while joining IR Minister Christian Porter in thanking unions for their cooperation in achieving "massive" temporary IR changes.

Fast turnaround looming for latest coronavirus award change

The FWC has expedited the hearing of the restaurant industry's bid to vary its award to boost hours and leave flexibility as it shifts to a COVID-19 business model based on takeaways and home delivery.

Coalition to provide COVID-19 wage subsidies

The Morrison Government has today committed to a "job keeper" wage subsidy scheme that will provide a flat $1500 a fortnight for workers with employers that have suffered a downturn of at least 30% to 50% due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Unions push for paid coronavirus "special leave"

Unions have today called for the Morrison Government to provide two weeks of federally-funded paid "special leave" for all workers forced to stop work or isolate themselves due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Morrison flags 'decluttering' of compliance regime

In a clear indication that the recent rash of underpayment disclosures by large companies has not gone unnoticed, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has told a business audience that his government hopes to reduce the current compliance regime's "administrative clutter".

ACTU demands voice in "one-sided" IR review

The ACTU is pushing to get a hearing in the Morrison Government's review of the workplace system, arguing that it appears skewed towards big business.

"Integrity" Bill subverts presumption of innocence: QLS

The Queensland Law Society has detailed a host of concerns about the Coalition's proposed "ensuring integrity" legislation, arguing its broadening of recommendations by the royal commission into trade unions is unjustified, unfair and "contrary" to such established legal principles as presumption of innocence.

Don't hand benefit fund regulation to ROC, says Burke

The Coalition should not make the "discredited and politicised" ROC the regulator of workers' entitlement funds, noting that even the Heydon Royal Commission didn't recommend going down that track, Shadow IR Minister Tony Burke told Parliament this week in his response to the "proper use of benefits" legislation.