Courts page 83 of 94

933 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Ambassador's bodyguard employed on sham contract, union alleges

A security company must provide United Voice with internal correspondence about its practice of engaging contractors and employees, as the union pursues it for allegedly employing two embassy guards on sham contracts and sacking them when they refused to waive legal rights.

Order against telco that exploited, threatened overseas students

The Federal Circuit Court has ordered a company to pay more than $7,000 in unpaid wages and super to a student visa holder after hearing evidence of a deliberate scheme to exploit young international students working in Australia.

AWU fails in bid to dismiss coercion case

The AWU has failed in a bid to have the Federal Court summarily dismiss an FWO action claiming it took adverse action against two of its members who refused to take industrial action during bargaining with Orica.

CFMEU's "power" play fails to impress court as $540,000 in fines stand

A full Federal Court has described as "astounding" a CFMEU argument that it should not be held liable for organisers' unauthorised entries to building sites because the alleged contraventions should be viewed as an exercise of "power", rather than of a "right" defined by the Fair Work Act.

Discrimination case turns on voiced concerns, not "state of mind": Bench

As the Crown continues its pursuit of a Victorian employer charged with discriminating against employees who raised safety issues, Victoria's Court of Appeal has found that, as a question of law, it must prove only that the concerns were expressed rather than address the workers' "state of mind" at the time.

Come back with a lawyer, says Federal Court

The Federal Court has refused an application by a company to be represented by its operations manager rather than a lawyer, ruling that the manager lacked "the necessary degree of objectivity and skill" required to conduct the case.