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330 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Parliaments

Shield wharves from protracted disputes: DP World

DP World has told a Senate hearing into the remaining Loopholes measures that the stevedoring industry should be shielded from protracted bargaining conflicts, warning that multi-employer bargaining could cripple ports.

Van the man to secure Closing Loopholes legislation?

Controversial former Victorian Liberal Senator David Van has put himself forward to negotiate changes to the Closing Loopholes legislation when it comes up for debate in the Senate early next year.

Platform workers 1% of employed population: ABS

As the Albanese Government pushes for the passage of its Closing Loopholes legislation that provides new protections for "employee-like" workers, the ABS has revealed its first "experimental estimates" indicating that digital platform workers account for 1% of the working population and most commonly perform food delivery and personal transport tasks.

Treasury outlines lessons from JobKeeper

JobKeeper kept people in work and prevented widespread business failures during the coronavirus pandemic, but in future crises the Government should consider improvements, including a tiered wage subsidy, according to Treasury's evaluation of the landmark scheme.

Government to "strike right balance" on casuals: AHA

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has committed to make significant changes in the way the Closing Loopholes Bill treats casual work, according to the Australian Hotels Association.

Academic calls on Senate to back Loopholes Bill's gig changes

A leading IR academic kicking off a Senate inquiry's hearings into the Albanese Government's Closing Loopholes legislation has recommended passage of changes for "employee-like" gig workers and owner drivers, along with some "improvements".

Legislation sets up parliamentary HR function

Federal Parliament has passed a trio of bills that establish the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service as an independent statutory HR agency and overhaul employment arrangements for parliamentary staff.