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Employer made wrong call in blocking safety inspection: Court

A court has roasted a construction contractor for the "deficient evidence" it relied on for its "complete denial" that it breached entry laws when it blocked CFMMEU officials from inspecting a suspected safety flaw they identified after entering a site to examine another possible contravention.

FSU wins $3 million for CommBank's tea break "fiasco"

The FSU says Commonwealth Bank retail workers forced to work through their 10-minute tea breaks for the past six years will be compensated, after it won a $3 million settlement of its $45 million Federal Court claim.

FWC backs Coke's driver speed-checking regime

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a Coca Cola regional technician who deliberately set the cruise control on his work van above the speed limit and repeatedly overshot it by up to 18km, rejecting claims about the alleged inaccuracy of the employer's monitoring technology.

$44K payout after reasonable adjustments failure

A heavy vehicle diesel mechanic who suffered a non-work-related wrist injury has won $44,000 in damages after his employer failed to offer reasonable adjustments and made "clumsy" and "ill-informed" attempts to re-engage him while awaiting "full clearance".

Employer not liable for tortious urination incident

The High Court has held that an employer is not vicariously liable for an injury to a resort worker from his colleague urinating on him after returning drunk to a studio they had to share.

Suggestive singing amounted to harassment

A UK tribunal has found that a male manager harassed a male worker by touching him inappropriately and suggestively singing a song about propositioning someone for s-x.

4-day working week "overhyped": Expert

Workers should fight for better pay and conditions rather than accept the "overhyped" employer-driven four-day working week, which often results in work intensification and employees losing conditions, according to an IR academic.

Burrow, Ross appointed to apprentice reform taskforce

Victoria's Andrews Government has appointed former ACTU president Sharan Burrow and ex-FWC president Iain Ross to key roles on a tripartite taskforce to improve safety and support for apprentices.

Vax mandate caused psychological injury: Tribunal

An employer held to have caused a psychological injury by imposing a COVID-19 vaccination requirement on a driver must pay more than $80,000 in compensation, plus medical costs, after its unreasonable ultimatum rendered him unable to work.