Case law page 53 of 56

552 articles are classified in All Articles > General protections and adverse action > Case law

High Court to make "scab" sign ruling next week

The High Court will decide next Thursday whether BHP Coal took adverse action against a mineworker when it sacked him for holding up an anti-"scab" sign at a picket in Queensland's Bowen Basin in 2012.

Judge's criticisms of barrister "gratuitous": Federal Court

The Federal Court has criticised a lower court judge for making gratuitous comments about a barrister, but has rejected her argument that he should have stood down from her client's adverse action case because he was biased.

High Court hears "scab" dismissal case

The High Court has reserved its decision on whether BHP Coal fell foul of the Fair Work Act's adverse action provisions by sacking a worker for breaching its workplace conduct policy after he held up an anti-"scab" sign at a picket.

HR manager loses adverse action case

A part-time HR manager's bullying claim against her chief executive backfired when her employer discovered while investigating her complaint that she had been using its resources to do work for other organisations.

Court orders near maximum fine for employer's "disgraceful" conduct

The Federal Circuit Court has hit a transport operator who sacked a driver for taking carer's leave and then terrorised him, his family and his union solicitor when he instituted legal proceedings with close to the maximum penalty for unlawful adverse action.

Dismissal by "mutual agreement" still a dismissal: Court

A court has found that a worker who was asked to look for alternative employment due to his heart condition was dismissed, rejecting his employer's argument that his job ended by "mutual agreement".

Lawyer loses adverse action, bullying case

A court has found that a law firm acted quickly to investigate claims of harassment by one of its solicitors and was entitled to treat emails from her stating that the employment relationship had broken down as a resignation.