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Not our place to decide whether police transfers fair: FWC

The FWC has expressed sympathy for four police officers facing transfers after they belatedly learned their time in a specialist s-x offenders unit would be capped, but has ruled it lacks power to arbitrate the matter.

Full court's "unduly narrow" interpretation is wrong: Porter

IR Minister Christian Porter has told the High Court that a Federal Court bench "erred" when it concluded that labour hire company Workpac could not rely on a legislative provision to offset loadings paid to the worker at the centre of a landmark case on casual leave entitlements.

FWC's arbitral powers maintained under inherited deal: Full court

In a significant, if split, decision on the FWC's jurisdictional ambit, a majority full Federal Court has ruled that the tribunal would not be invalidly exercising judicial power if it arbitrated a dispute under an agreement an employer inherited after winning a Defence Department tender.

Union's PABO application backfires

In a decision highlighting the difference between "genuinely trying to reach agreement" and "good faith bargaining", the FWC has rejected an HSU application for a protected action ballot order and found its own conduct wanting.

First protected strike next week at robo-dock

The MUA has given notice of a four-hour protected stoppage next week at the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal", amid an escalating struggle over work arrangements.

MUA members back protected action at robo-dock

MUA members have overwhelmingly endorsed protected industrial action at the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal", as the union seeks to drag the automated stevedore towards more traditional industry working arrangements.

Dispute not our business: FWC bench

An FWC full bench has, in dismissing a former Ausgrid worker's appeal, expressed surprise that a presidential member elected to hear the matter in the first place, noting that the employer knew nothing of any dispute before she made the application.

Tribunal backs workers after virus-driven stand down

The FWC has ordered an aged care provider to restore leave days to employees it directed to stay away from work over COVID-19 transmission fears, observing "it's just the right thing to do".

ATO flouted agreement's WFH regime: Union

The ASU is challenging the ATO's COVID-19 emergency work-from-home arrangements and its ability to quickly call employees back to the office, accusing it in a Federal Court adverse action case of breaching the terms of its agreement.

Qantas case to "put outsourcing on trial": Bornstein

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers will today file a Federal Court test case for the TWU that alleges the Qantas decision to contract-out ground-handling duties performed by 2000 workers amounted to unlawful adverse action.