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Law firm predicts industrial action, productivity, next on agenda

A new report from a major employment law firm predicts that the Senate will pass the Abbott Government's Fair Work Act and building industry amendments, suggests the next reforms will be limits on industrial action and productivity requirements for enterprise agreements, and highlights the lower than expected activity in the FWC's anti-bullying jurisdiction.

FWC set to approve non-union mining deal

Glencore Xstrata has won conditional approval for the enterprise agreement it struck with 21 non-union workers it hired when it reopened what had been its unionised Collinsville coal mine in Central Queensland earlier this year.

Bargaining wrap: one lockout over, talks in another and $1m claim settled

A two-week lockout of CSR Gyprock workers has ended with the parties reaching an in-principle agreement, talks are scheduled for tomorrow in a bid to end a two-month lockout at building supplier Ausreo, and a nine-month standoff over unpaid allowances for Dubbo maintenance workers has been resolved in a new deal.

Workers vote up Bechtel deal despite CFMEU "no" campaign

The CFMEU says it will keep pushing for shorter swing rosters on major resource construction projects, despite losing a push to introduce them for the Curtis Island LNG plants in Queensland.

News Corp workers reject below-inflation pay offer

Editorial staff at New Corp's Australian operations have overwhelmingly rejected a new agreement offered by management that includes below-CPI annual pay rises of 2%.

ANZ workers to vote on 4% claim; FSU recommends CBA "yes" vote

ANZ workers are voting on the FSU's proposed log of claims for a new enterprise agreement, which includes pushing for 4% annual wage rises across all classifications, an immediate end to offshoring of Australian jobs and a commitment to no forced redundancies.

AIMPE calls off Port Hedland strike

The AIMPE has called off planned strikes in Port Hedland after being threatened with Federal Court action for notifying stoppages outside the 30-day cut-off for authorised industrial action set by the Fair Work Act.

National storm brewing for DP World ports

In a dispute that could extend to the eastern seaboard, major stevedore DP World says it will lock out its Fremantle workforce tomorrow and subcontract its work to competitor, Patrick.