Medical certificates page 4 of 4

35 articles are classified in All Articles > Workplace policy > Medical certificates

"Ignominiously memorable" case underlines importance of unfair dismissal protections: FWC

An employer treated a long-serving worker like a "dirty rag" when it sacked her for an alleged incapacity to meet her job's inherent requirements, the FWC has found in what it describes as an "ignominiously memorable" case that provides a "strong foundation for argument against any lessening" of unfair dismissal protections.

Holden worker forfeits $180,000 redundancy payout after compo fraud

A long-serving GM Holden employee sacked for working on his investment property while dishonestly claiming workers' compensation has lost his entitlement to retraining and a redundancy payment of up to $180,000 when the company closes its manufacturing operations next year.

Miscarriage no excuse for late lodgement; Cleaners strike in Canberra; and more

Cleaners strike in Parliament bathrooms to support pay claim; Miscarriage not reason enough for an extension of time; Lunching security guard unfairly dismissed; Accountant's sacking fair in "highly unusual" case; High Court to hear unions challenge to offshore visas; and Bechtel clarifies position on leave approval.

Employer can't make health assessments compulsory: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that it is unreasonable for an employer to direct workers to attend a compulsory health assessment designed to address high injury levels without first establishing genuine need.

Tribunal finds morning sickness a disability

A tribunal has found an employee's severe morning sickness is a "disability" but has rejected the bulk of her discrimination claims, including that her employer failed to make reasonable changes to her hours and conditions.