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Offshore gas strike threat recedes after Woodside peace deal

Woodside has narrowly averted impending industrial action at its North West Shelf gas platforms after reaching an in-principle deal endorsed by Offshore Alliance and ETU members this morning, while protected action ballots at Chevron are set to close today.

Gas strike threat grows ahead of crucial bargaining meeting

The Offshore Alliance and the ETU say they will hit Woodside's North West Shelf gas platforms with industrial action as early as Saturday if a bargaining meeting this week disappoints workers, as the threat of broader strikes loom.

Unions extend plans to step on the gas

Unions are calling on Chevron's Gorgon and Wheatstone workers to again reject a unilateral agreement offer and instead "lock in behind a 100% 'yes' vote" for industrial action, as offshore workers join their onshore colleagues in considering strikes at key LNG facilities.

FWC entitled to extend strike ballot deadlines: Bench

The FWC is not acting beyond its powers when it allows extra time for compulsory conciliation meetings when setting protection action ballot deadlines, a full bench has concluded.

Umpire roasts Qube for backtracking on deal

The FWC has panned rail operator Qube for "reneging" on an in-principle enterprise deal with the RTBU, after rejecting the union's bid to terminate industrial action that allegedly presented a threat to community safety and welfare.

Employer cannot dodge sharing worker details for PABO: FWC

In the latest of a rash of significant rulings on protected action ballots, the FWC's national practice leader for bargaining has insisted a bus company provide employee details despite its "uncommon concession" to rely on a union's database alone to develop a roll of voters.

Strike suspension unlikely to secure peace: FWC

The FWC decided this week to terminate rather than suspend industrial action at the Australian Rail Track Authority, because the parties' "entrenched" positions made it "unlikely any significant progress would be made" if it ordered a pause, according to newly-released reasons.

No basis for reducing strike notice period: FWC

The FWC has found no justification for interfering with a union's "statutory right" to three working days notice of industrial action against an "essential service" energy provider, after taking into account a five-point "safety commitment" the ETU put forward in response to the employer's concerns about supply continuity.

Limited backing for coal strikes among OS workers: BHP

BHP has played down the impact of industrial action at its Queensland coal mines, highlighting that the protected action won support from only about 15% of Operations Services production employees in Queensland.