Annual leave and loadings page 1 of 11

101 articles are classified in All Articles > Entitlements and standards > Annual leave and loadings

"Genuine" apology helps reduce fine for sports giant

A "wealthy" global sports company's mistaken belief that a sacked manager took unapproved days off has contributed to a judge finding that it should be hit with only 25% of the maximum penalty for taking three months to pay out his annual leave entitlements.

"Consensus" on half-pay annual leave: FWC

Unions and employers have flagged support for permitting award-covered employees to extend their annual leave by taking it at half pay, in what might be the sole area of consensus arising from the work and care tranche of the FWC's modern awards review, but they are yet to agree on "safeguards".

Big fine for Italy after annual leave, records breaches

The Federal Court has flayed the Republic of Italy for failing to heed Australian IR laws in its local consulates and has ordered it to pay a $94,000 fine, $7500 compensation and indemnity costs to an administrative employee after it failed to pay him annual leave loading for six years, to keep records in English and to produce the records on demand.

FWC member sharpens "shiftworker" definition

A senior FWC member has delved into arbitral history to offer his own definition of a 'seven day shiftworker' after expressing frustration that there is no "simple" or "unambiguous" description of the term in the many awards it is employed.

Court rejects director's bid to save on lawyers

A director's argument that he is well qualified to represent his company in an underpayments case has fallen flat, a court citing a "lack of objectivity" as being among the reasons to reject the proposition.

Holiday trade-off should not be scrapped without bargaining: FWC

An employer seeking to be covered by an existing agreement could potentially "operate in a better way" if a clause granting five days leave in return for working on three public holidays is removed, but the FWC has found the change would deny employees the chance to use the entitlement as a bargaining chip.

Employer fined $160K for failing to pay out annual leave

A judge has declined to bundle together an employer's various workplace breaches in ordering it to pay $163,000 in fines to a former worker for stripping his severance pay of more than 500 accumulated annual leave hours.

Diplomat shortchanged domestic worker $136K: Court

A former Indian High Commissioner who paid a live-in domestic worker $9 a day to keep his eight-bedroom Canberra home, after he arranged for her "posting" in Australia for the "reception and entertainment of guests", has been ordered to pay more than $130,000 compensation.

FWC suggests "neutral" alternative to deal's leave clauses

The FWC has given coal miner Peabody until Thursday to respond to its suggestion that it adopt "somewhat more neutrally worded" clauses in a proposed agreement that says workers are "required" to work on public holidays.