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73 articles are classified in All Articles > Workplace policy > Email/internet/social media

ACTU draft RtD clause extends too far: AiG

The AiG is calling for the FWC to reject the ACTU's "misguided and inappropriate" draft "right to disconnect" award clause, and AREEA is recommending the final clause mirror the legislation, rather than expand it.

Criticising bosses on chat group a sackable offence: FWC

A supervisor's criticism of management in a social media group chat that "incit[ed] a negative and combative environment among the team", along with performance issues, provided a valid basis for dismissing her, the FWC has found.

"Abject stupidity" insufficient reason for sacking: Bench

In a full bench decision exploring what constitutes work-related conduct, essential services provider Ventia has failed to knock out the reinstatement of a firefighter who shared an Only Fans video and a meme showing three naked women in a "sickos" Facebook group of current and former colleagues.

Academic's 'cancel culture' win on hold

A Sydney University lecturer sacked for superimposing a swastika on a posted image of an Israeli flag has nominally won his job back, pending the result of the institution's appeal against a finding that his 2019 dismissal breached its agreement's intellectual freedom clause.

"Sickos" Facebook poster wins job back

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a firefighter who shared an image of naked women in a "sickos" Facebook group of current and former colleagues but upheld the sacking of another who posted p-rnography during his shift, in decisions slamming "tick-and-flick" training.

Compensation for public servant sacked over Hitler post

A child protection public servant who claimed on Facebook that the military would remove kids from unvaccinated parents and depicted the former NSW premier as Hitler has won compensation after a tribunal found circumstances rendered her dismissal harsh.

Texts sufficient to notify shift changes: Bench

In a decision the RTBU expects to have "widespread ramifications" for employers and employees alike, potentially even disrupting sleep, a FWC full bench has held an unread text message changing an impending shift will satisfy Pacific National's notice requirements.

Tribunal backs sacking for excessive personal texting at work

The FWC has upheld the flawed sacking of a health and safety manager after phone records revealed she sent an "extraordinary and unacceptable" amount of text messages at work while overseeing her growing side business.