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Court confirms big employer's redundancy payment for reducing hours

In a significant judgment examining the interplay between employment relationships and employment contracts, the Federal Court has dismissed a major employer's appeal against a ruling it owed a cleaner redundancy pay after reducing her hours from full to part-time.

COVID-19 clerks award change past use-by date: Union

The ASU says it will object to extending a coronavirus-driven variation to the clerks' award because it has been "superseded" by JobKeeper and Fair Work Act changes, dismissing the employer bid as an attack on the award system.

"Contrite" ABC made to pay for short-changing employees

In the FWO's first "contrition payment" extracted from another federal public body, the ABC has agreed to pay $600,000 and enter into an enforceable undertaking after admitting it underpaid 1900 past and current employees more than $12 million.

FWC backs JobKeeper direction for higher casual hours

The FWC has found it reasonable to issue JobKeeper-enabling directions for some casuals to perform more than their pre-COVID-19 hours, after Prosegur required armoured vehicle operators to work a minimum of 25 hours a week.

Employer "lie" no basis to reinstate claim: FWC

The FWC has refused to relist a worker's unfair dismissal application despite his claim he withdrew it only after his former employer reneged on an assurance he would be provided with a separation certificate to his liking.

Newsflash: Minimum wage decision tomorrow

The FWC will tomorrow bring down its much-anticipated decision in this year's minimum wage review, with employers calling for a pay freeze due to the pandemic's impact on business and unions arguing for a 4% rise to stimulate the economy.

Employsure denies 'fair work' search result misleading

In court hearings that started this week into ACCC allegations that Employsure misled businesses into thinking it is associated with the FWO or the FWC, the employment advice provider is refuting claims it trapped them in unfair contracts.