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Pregnant worker's dismissal "the very definition of unfair"

The FWC has found an employer's failure to consult a pregnant worker before abruptly announcing her redundancy to be the "very definition of unfair", rejecting its submissions that a series of meetings were adequate.

Company fails to block FWC intervention on pay downgrade

An employer that unilaterally reduced the classification levels of two workers previously handed a pay upgrade has failed to convince the FWC it had no power to intervene in a contractual issue "masquerading" as an enterprise agreement dispute.

No 'go slow' on agreement approvals: FWC member

The FWC in endorsing a deal for the Super Retail Group and its 10,000 employees has published a detailed chronology to demonstrate that "there is no 'go slow' on agreement approvals".

Member of rebel union seeks to restrain employer

Queensland's IRC is today considering a bid to restrain Queensland Health from dismissing a senior nurse who says she spoke to the media about alleged training flaws in her role as a union delegate, in a case testing the state's new human rights laws and the rights of non-registered unions.

Lawyer wants 9 months notice in general protections case

A lawyer has launched a novel adverse action case against a law firm that sacked him within his probationary period, seeking a payout equivalent to nine-months' notice in part because it prevented him from working the minimum notice period by locking him out of its system.

Crown says failed restaurant not a joint venture

Melbourne's Crown Casino is staring down calls to pay about $4.5 million in employee entitlements owed by the operator of a celebrity restaurant on its premises.

Court grounds pilots' adverse action case

A pilots' union that established in the High Court that it could pursue a case on behalf eligible of non-members has lost its substantive case accusing budget airline Regional Express of threatening adverse action against cadets who exercise a workplace right.

Court fines AWU for adverse action against members

The Federal Court has today ordered the AWU to pay an $18,000 penalty for pressing charges under its rules against two members who refused to support industrial action against Orica.

Vegan beliefs protected under UK workplace equality laws

In the wake of the UK's employment tribunal ruling that "ethical veganism" is a protected philosophical belief in the workplace, a Seyfarth Shaw partner says that there might be scope under state and federal discrimination laws to advance a similar claim in Australia.

Bench corrects "counter-intuitive" compensation ruling

A tribunal member "counter-intuitively" refused to award compensation to an unfairly dismissed employee after failing to assess financial loss and wrongly asserting that she had admitted to competing priorities, an FWC full bench has found.