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Bill tougher on unions than Corporations Act on employers: McManus

ACTU secretary Sally McManus told a hearing in Melbourne today that the Federal Government’s "ensuring integrity" legislation would impose harsher standards and punishments on unions and their officials than the Corporations Act does to employers.

ROC launches inquiry into HSU branch, investigation of CEPU

The ROC has launched an inquiry into the HSU's Tasmanian branch over an alleged "termination payment" provided to former state secretary and current national secretary Chris Brown, while the CEPU has dismissed an ROC investigation into reporting breaches as a scare tactic.

Teacher acquitted of indecent assault wins job back

A Catholic school teacher sacked after being charged with indecent assault, of which he was later acquitted, has been reinstated after the FWC rejected the Sydney Archdiocese's argument that his automatic loss of clearance to work with children frustrated his employment.

Interim deal at ANZ wins support

ANZ employees have overwhelmingly endorsed an interim 12-month agreement that pays a 3% increase and "grandfathers" district allowances for current employees, ahead of a restructure designed to make the bank more "agile".

FWC upholds sacking of worker who called managers "mercenaries"

The FWC has endorsed an ASU member’s dismissal for breaching his employer’s "respectful conduct" policy with his repeated aggressive and disrespectful behaviour towards its chief operating officer during bargaining for a new agreement.

Full court penalty rates review begins tomorrow

The union movement's crucial bid to overturn the cuts to penalty rates in the retail and hospitality sectors kicks off tomorrow before a rare five-judge full Federal Court.

PM&C says it reversed adverse action against cancer survivor

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has admitted it took adverse action by docking the personal leave of a director it placed on indefinite leave following a long absence for cancer treatment and surgery, but says it reversed it before her general protections proceedings started.

Xenophon will not support Government "sympathy strike" Bill

The Coalition's legislation that would raise maximum fines from $750.000 to $10 million for secondary boycotts is no certainty to become law after Nick Xenophon Team senators joined the Greens and Labor to declare it would not support it.